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How do get a rat out of a dumpster

How do get a rat out of a dumpster

Rats are natural born scavengers and opportunists when it comes to food. They love to forage in dumpsters. Human "throw aways” and pet food cans are fine dining for San Antonio rats, and part of the reason that rat populations are so much higher in Texas cities than in the wilderness. Often rats get lured in to forage in a dumpster and find themselves stuck.

How do you remove a rat stuck in a dumpster?
We view garbage as useless waste, but if you will think from the perspective of Texas rats, then a dumpster just a five star restaurant for them where they can find more than enough food free for the picking. Rats are known to be omnivorous, and because of this they will eat almost everything that we might throw out. They have no real food preferences and will survive on anything they can. This is one of the great reasons that these San Antonio animals have adapted to different urban Texas environments in a successful manner.

For us, dumpsters are full of useless waste, but they are a smorgasbord to Texas rats. In fact if a dumpster is not sealed properly rats will be regular visitors. They will waste no time and will immediately get inside a dumpster because it is a great treat for them. However, sometimes they end up in trouble after jumping in and realizing too late; it is too difficult to get out. After feeding they normally climb up onto stacks of rubbish and jump out. However, in a number of situations when the dumpster has been emptied they find out too late that there is nothing to climb on. The rat realizes that it is stuck. If you see a Texas rat in these situations you can provide assistance here.

In case you find a San Antonio rat stuck in a dumpster, then follow these tips because the animal needs your help to escape. First of all try not to unduly panic the Texas animal as it is already in great duress and your negative attitude can make the situations worse. If you have help and are able to tip the dumpster over that will quickly solve the problem. If tipping it is not an option there are other ways to help the San Antonio rat. Look for long branches, big pieces of cardboard, or a large piece of wood. Place your found items inside the dumpster carefully, making sure that they form a staircase of sorts to help the animal reach the top. The rat will then use these for climbing out of the dumpster. If you can help it to reach the top, call animal control- they will know what to do

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